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NYM Group

Market Insights

5 Reasons to Purchase Repositioned Assets

The secret to long term investing is figuring out how to be active in every market. It’s all about having a “line in the water.” Today, most NYC multifamily investors have been pushed to seek higher yield, and sometimes more risk, in their investments. This has kept pricing very competitive in the value-add segment of the NYC multifamily market, while pricing on repositioned and finished assets have softend since 2015. Some observers call this a “mispricing of risk.”
NYM Group
October 4, 2018
Market Insights

$104,135,000 in NYC Sales to Close Out Summer

While transaction numbers have generally been in NYC, the New York Multifamily team at Marcus & Millichap closed more than $100 million in sales in the back half of summer 2018. With 18 closed sales this summer across Manhattan and the boroughs and another 22 in contract, it was an active summer.
NYM Group
September 21, 2018
Market Insights

The History & Workings of NYC Regulation

Home to some of most coveted real estate in the world, it is no surprise that living in New York City comes with a hefty price tag. What if I were to tell you that there was a way to legally avoid paying market rent for an apartment in the Big Apple, would that be something you might be interested in?
NYM Group
September 18, 2018
Market Insights

Hybrid Marketing Key to 350 Unit, NYC Portfolio Sale for $91,900,000

New York’s real estate market beats to an entirely different rhythm to any other in the world. Here, we have everything; fast-paced transactions with property which changes hands rapidly sitting next to ancient buildings which have been held by the same families for generations. The recent sale of the a family’s Greenwich Village portfolio perfectly represents the antique side of New York – the low-velocity, long cycle of property which rarely changes hands and are often the architectural and cultural heritage of the city.
NYM Group
August 7, 2018
Market Insights

7 Habits of NYC’s Most Successful Real Estate Entrepreneurs

I’ve met countless NYC multifamily owners and entrepreneurs. All types. Those that own 12 units, and others with yuge 5,000-unit portfolios. As a by-product of working with them, I have become a student of their success. They all share similar qualities. Regardless of your stage of life or industry, these habits transcend real estate and have something to teach us all.
NYM Group
June 20, 2018